Safely and Quickly ClosePort Sitesa Even On Challenging Obese Patients the product enables surgeons to close trocar sites efficiently and reliably. Oursystem is comprised to two precisely engineered components: a patented Piloa Guide and a Carter-Thomason Suture Passer.With the Carter-Thomason CloseSureSystem, closing any trocar site is a simple, fast, and safe procedure that.Ensures complete fascial closure Precisely angles the suturepasserEasy-to-learn technique for reproducible success Works under directvisualizationPrevents loss of pneumoperitoneum Additional applications for theCarter include:Litigate abdominal wallbleedersTacking hernia mesh Repairing of umbilical hernias Temporaryrepositioning of anatomic structures Available in both the standardCarter System and the XL, for use in bariatric surgeries andmorbidly obese patients, our system is ideal for any patient, regardless ofbody type. Pilot Guides can also be purchased separately.
Our 15 mm standard sizePilot Guide provides physicians the opportunity for port site closure with bothgynecologic and general surgery procedures that require the use of morcellatorsand large specimen retrieval bags.